The Indonesian Journal of Medical Laboratory en-US (Hermawan Purba, S.Pd., M.Sc) (Hermawan Purba, S.Pd., M.Sc) Sun, 16 Apr 2023 03:02:21 +0000 OJS 60 SAKARIN PADA JUS ALPUKAT YANG DIJUAL DI JL KARYA KARANG BEROMBAK, MEDAN <p>Examination of saccharin in avocado juice sold at Jl Karya Karang Berombak Medan in 2021. This study aims to determine whether or not saccharin is present and to determine the levels of saccharin in avocado juice sold on Jl Karya Karang Berombak Medan. This reseach was conducted using the acid-base titration method and was carried out in August 2021 at the YRSU Dr. Rusdi Health Polytechnic Laboratory in Medan with a sample of 15 avocado juice. The results showed that out of 15 samples, 3 samples were found to contain positive saccharin, namely sample 1 with 162 mg/kg of saccharin, sample 3 with 108 mg/kg of saccharin and sample 4 with 120 mg/kg of saccharin. From the three samples that tasted positive for saccharin, it can be seen that the saccharin in the three samples is still in accordance with regulation of the BPOM RI No.4 of 2014 concerning sweetener food additives because they are still below the permitted threshold of 300 mg/kg body weight</p> Radina YM Ginting Radina Ginting; Rahmani Ani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Sun, 16 Apr 2023 03:01:51 +0000 GAMBARAN KADAR BILIRUBIN SEBELUM DAN SESUDAH FOTOTERAPI PADA BAYI BARU LAHIR DI RSU. DELIA TAHUN 2022 <p><em>Yellow in babies, which is also called icterus neonatorum in medical language. The term ictrus comes from the Greek "icterus". Jaundice is also called jaundice, which means "jaune" comes from the French which means yellow. Which shows a yellow discoloration of the skin, sclera and mucous membranes resulting from increased plasma bilirubin levels. Purpose: to find out the description of bilirubin before and after phototherapy in newborns at Delia Langkat Hospital in 2022. Methods: The study used analytical methods to determine the relationship between variables with a cross-sectional design. The results showed that of the 4 samples of infants who were given phototherapy, the mean reduction in bilirubin levels was 2.5 ± 0.8 mg/dL. If percentaged, the average decrease in bilirubin levels is 16.3 mg/dL). Conclusion: The description of bilirubin in newborns at Delia Hospital before phototherapy did not show good results (16.43 ± 4.64 mg/dL) and after phototherapy showed good results (7.62 ± 3.68 mg/dL).</em></p> Sanna Kamisna Purba; Atri Gustiana Gultom ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tue, 23 May 2023 10:29:55 +0000